Oct 17
Sep 17
而且這台Exercise Desk並不會因使用者的踩踏而造成噪音,這意味著不久的將來,你我的辦公電腦桌都可能引進這款既能健身、又能達到環保節電效果的辦公桌椅!
" Bauhutte ????????? ?音??証動? in YouTube "
Futurecraft 4D 所製造出的元件與球鞋圈近年正逐漸興起的 3D 列印有什麼差別呢?據 Carbon 3D 官方表示,Digital Light Synthesis 是建基於 Carbon 3D 公司的 CLIP 技術 (Continuous Liquid Interface Production),是一項液態成形的工法,透過紫外線去固化可編程液態樹脂,過程中搭配會抑制固化反應的氧氣,如此一來便可從液態素材中製造出特定結構,並用熱能設定其機械性能,讓物體受到外在刺激時具有更好的形變能力,而 3D 列印則是層層推積的方式按序將材料塑造成需要的形狀,製作完成後還需要除去多餘材料與成品之間的連接點。
Futurecraft 4D 所應用的技術是直接從液態樹脂中精準「拉」出一個三維結構,這不只是縮短生產時間,也大幅度減少材料浪費,並且讓設計師的創意更無所限制。
Aug 17
Meet FarmBot
這款機器人使用的是Arduino開發板和Raspberry pi,軟件可以依照自己的需求訂製並增加擴展功能,因為平台本身是開源的,除此之外還有播種器、土壤感測器、除草器等零件,它可以準確地自動探測土壤濕度、控制澆水量,而且可以分辨種植作物和雜草,並完成除草任務。
Farmbot機器人目前的價格大概落於3100美金+350美金的國際運費,現今發展也日趨成熟。由於這是個屬於開源的平台,臺灣有一群人想打造出一台獨一無二的Farmbot,對Farmbot有興趣的人能在FB搜尋「FarmBot Taiwan User Group-FBTUG」,可以找到更多關於FarmBot在台灣的資訊。
最近,荷蘭一家名為 PAL-V 的公司推出了一款 Liberty 飛行汽車,與之前的各種概念產品不一樣,這是一款已經取得了適航證並可以買到的產品。Liberty 的出生折騰了 20 年,1999 年團隊成員萌生想法,2006 年發表概念車,2012 年車輛定型並開始試飛,2017 年開始銷售,2018 年開始供貨。
在汽車模式下,其實說是三輪車更為恰當,蛋狀的外殼上,還背著兩個黑色的螺旋槳。等到要起飛的時候,兩個簡單的旋翼展開並鎖死,尾翼擺好,一副要上天的樣子,別以為這個 Pose 能瞬間擺好,Liberty 需要 5 分鐘才可以做好起飛準備,所以如果你正在開車的話,最好提前靠邊。注意,Liberty 並不是直升機,它的旋翼本身是不接通動力的,起飛靠的是機身後旋轉的螺旋槳向前推進,頭頂上的旋翼只是在被動旋轉,以提供升力。所以 Liberty 還是要助跑一段才能起飛的,因此它需要 180 公尺長的跑道,並保證有 200 公尺×100 公尺的安全空域才可以,如果你不幸堵在車陣中,保證飛不起來。
Liberty 的機身重量是 664 公斤,最大起飛重量是 910 公斤,車上只有兩個座位,如果都是壯漢的話,再加上不少燃油,其實就帶不了什麼東西了。整車一共有兩台引擎;路上跑的 100 馬力,最高時速能到 160km/h,因為整車油箱 100 升,這車能續航 1,300 公里;要是飛的話,另一台 200 馬力的引擎會接手,最高速度 180km/h,能堅持 500 公里;還有一個好消息是,這車用的是普通汽油。既然能飛,安全就很重要,Liberty 在介紹產品時費力展示了各種品質檢測的過程。
但是保養就不能按公里算了,那得按小時,飛行 25 小時之後就得首次保養,之後每 100 小時保養一次。開頭就說了這車已經可以買了,一共分兩個版本,PAL-V Liberty Pioneer Edition「先鋒版」和 PAL-V Liberty Sport「運動版」。別以為運動版才猛,先鋒版是全功能的,除了更炫酷的內裝之外,還帶有飛行訓練課程和更多的改裝配件,價格也更高,美國 59.9 萬美元、歐洲 49.9 萬歐元(約台幣 1,689 萬元);運動版則分別是 39.9 萬美元和 29.9 萬歐元。
JCR: The Future of Skateboarding is Here! The world’s first genuine, intuitively-controlled electric skateboard.
The JCR is a one-of-a-kind electric skateboard that offers the easiest and safest way to ride. Our team of designers and developers have created a unique, intuitively-controlled board that makes skateboarding fun without the anxiety of falling off. Anyone can use it! The JCR Board doesn’t require a remote or footpad. All it takes is two feet and the power of your own mind.
We always wanted to cruise the streets on a skateboard – hats turned back, leaning, relaxed, with eyes open to the world sliding by. There was nothing cooler in our minds. But, there was always the dangers involved in skateboarding – falling off, injury, not being able to balance… So, we applied our expertise in robot technology and decided to make our dreams come true. We envisioned a skateboard that combined all of the features of riding, but eliminated the negative aspects. With this, we present the JCR Board! A genuine, intuitively-controlled electric skateboard.
Apr 17
其實許多國家正在積極開發一邊駕駛一邊充的無線充電電動車系統,像韓國 2013 年就開始運用在公車上,英國 2015 年完成了第一條電動車專用車道,而美國去年也在 66 號公路上開始鋪設太陽能板道路。那麼這次日本的系統是特別在哪裡呢?根據日本媒體 IT media 報導,這款「第 2 世代 Wireless IWM」系統有別於以往電動車單一發電機的設計,而是每個車輪都安裝了獨立的發電機與無線充電線圈,搭配無線充電路面的話,不是把電充進電池,而是直接向這些輪子旁的發電機充電!
這麼做的好處有兩項:第一是可以再為電動車的驅動裝置減重約 30%-40%,第二則是可以減少傳統電動車「電池→發動機」這過程的能量耗損,同時達到延長電池壽命的效果。當然這系統也配上了電池,可實現電動車在減速期間就可回收能量,也讓車子不用擔心離開專用道路就不能充電的問題。
當然,電動車要全面取代燃油車還有一段不短的路要走。除了商業因素外,單次充電行走距離有限、充電設施不夠普及都是有待克服的地方,像 Tesla 的解方就採跟 Panasonic 合作,往電池體積更小、效能更高的方向前進,但這次東大思維很不一樣,用了翻轉電動車本體設計來解決這個難題。說不定在不久的將來,我們就能看到這種「四輪電驅」的電動車奔跑在台灣路面上呢。
Fly home fast and tackle the toughest hills without breaking a sweat. Volta is packing a 40 mile range to get you where you need to be, quickly and easily – just like riding a bike.
40 miles on single charge
From Palo Alto to San Francisco, from Brooklyn to the Bronx and back, with 40 miles of power your rides are no longer limited by your legs. Let your imagination plan your route and see where it takes you.
GPS anti-theft tracking
Theft is one of the worst things that can happen to a bike (and its rider). We integrated GPS tracking into the Volta so even when it’s out of sight, it’s never out of mind and, if the unthinkable happens, you’ll be able to point the cops right to your ride.
belt drive and chain
Whether you prefer the timeless look and feel of a chain or you’re ready to take the leap into the hassle-free world of belt drives, there’s a Volta set-up just for you. Belt drives are low-maintenance, mess free, and super durable so you can focus on the ride, not repairs. Chains are a bit more work, but if you’re a competent wrench, you might prefer the classic feel and knowing exactly what to expect on your maintenance calendar. It’s up to you!
rear hub motor
No complicated crank-drive, no clunky-transmission, just effortless power right where you need it. First we built a crank-drive motor, but weren’t happy with the bike’s performance. We test rode some front wheel motors currently on the market and couldn’t stand the way it affected steering and traction. Our rear-mounted motor keeps the bike balanced and delivers performance directly to the rear wheel, so it’s all “grip” and “go”, no hiccups or falsestarts.
Your bike, your way. Volta has 4 power modes, so you can get exactly as much assistance as you want.
Power: When time matters and you want to get from A to B, fast.
Eco: With 40 miles of range before a recharge, Eco mode is designed to stretch your horizons.
Smart:The perfect balance between power and battery life, no math required.
Bike: Powered by the classic “all-you” engine. Just like riding a bike.
lightweight and compact
An e-bike is not really convenient if you can’t carry it up the stairs when you get back home. We spent weeks refining the Volta, shaving off weight everywhere possible and developing the sleekest, slimmest, lightest ride we could, without sacrificing range or power.
stralthy battery in top tube
40 miles of charge packed neatly into the frame so your ride doesn’t scream “e-bike,” it just delivers.
No big, ugly battery. No clunky add-on systems. Just pure power in a sleek package. Heck, your friends might not even notice it’s an e-bike (until you casually blast past them uphill).
health tracking
We designed and developed health tracking in the Volta app, so you can keep an eye on your workout details, calories burned, track your trips, and more. Make riding part of your regimen, track your fitness goals, and become the you you’ve always wanted to be.
Feb 17
Honda’s new Riding Assist motorcycle model isn’t a shipping product yet, but it is an impressive technical demo. The concept at CES showed how it can help motorcycles maintain balance while traveling at low speed, something particularly tricky for even experienced drivers.
Speeds between 2 and 3 mph actually prove among the most challenging in terms of making sure a motorcycle stays upright, and Honda’s leveraging lessons learned from its development of Asimo the robot and its UNI-CUB rideable scooter-like transport to make sure bikes can manage balancing themselves, or assist human riders in keeping them level at those low speeds.
Riding Assist converts the motorcycle’s front fork from a standard geometry position to one more aggressively angled, which you might recognize as something closer to the geometry of a cruiser motorcycle designed for more leisurely speeds. The adjusted angle helps increase stability, and is managed by a dedicated motor attached to the front wheel.
Honda showed me Ride Assist working with a motorcycle travelling under its own speed: there were two pegs on either side to make sure it could rest when the system wasn’t engaged, but it succeeded in meandering out under its own power without falling over one way or the other, even when the handlebars angled in either direction.
Honda Riding Assist engineer Makoto Araki told me that the technology is currently not set for any specific release timeline, but it could help avoid a lot of injuries that happen to motorcyclists when you might not expect them. Others have already demonstrated advanced stabilization assist systems for high-speed biking, but this is an oft-overlooked area that is nonetheless ripe for potential improvement.
It’s also a great example of how Honda’s work in robotics can be leveraged across its product areas, for improvements that might affect a broader segment of its customer base more immediately. Personal robots like Asimo are still probably at least a decade away from any kind of real consumer pick-up or availability, but nested tech created through their development can have a material impact much sooner.
Feb 17
What is SELFLY?
SELFLY is a new concept that allows anyone to take hands-free photos on the go.Using high end stabilization technology we have successfully developed SELFLY, an autonomous flying camera device,which is actually a 9mm (3/8in) phone case.
Behid The Idea
They say that the technology used to guide Apollo 11 to the moon was no more powerful than a mobile phone. We decided that instead of flying a rocket ship why not tap into the processing power of today’s smartphones and create an autonomous flying camera that can capture your point of view from a different angle? From there, SELFLY was born!