
一家總部位於美國明尼蘇達州的科技公司 Janulus 推出一款風力發電機 Trinity,並號稱是世界首款攜帶式風力發電機,靠風力發電,在戶外可以用 USB 給手機等行動裝置充電,甚至可以為家庭日常所需提供充足的電能,以減少電費開支。
Trinity 攜帶式風力發電機採用輕量化設計,最輕的型號有一斤的重量,30 cm 長能輕鬆放進登山背包內。而且摺疊後呈現一個小圓筒狀,不會佔多大地方,攜帶很方便。
為了充分利用風力發電,Trinity 攜帶式風力發電機有 2 種模式,用戶需要在不同的情況下襬放葉片位置。
Trinity 攜帶式風力發電機內置強勁的電池,和市面上電動汽車使用的電池一樣。不僅能發電還能儲存電量。

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虛擬實境結合纜線機器人(CableRobot )

The cage is then suspended in a space that measures 5 by 5 by 8 metres (16.4 by 16.4 by 26.2 feet) by eight cables, one from each corner of the room.
Each of these eight cables is driven by a powerful motor. In total, these motors have 473 metric horsepower, each unit of which has a vertical lifting power of 75 kilograms per metre per second. This gives them very fine precision control, performing giant, rolling motions that use the entirety of the space, or subtle motions that the passenger may not even notice.
What gives this system an advantage over other motion simulation systems is the cables. These allow the robotic system to be scaled up or down to almost any space size.
The cable robot could, the researchers said, be used for a variety of applications. The platform space is big enough to include cockpit equipment or a projection surface, which means it could be used for flight simulation and training. Likewise, it could be used for driving simulation.
Another potential use is neurological research. “This simulator offers us entirely new possibilities for studying motion perception with possible applications in neurological research into balance disorders,” said Heinrich B?lthoff, lead researcher, professor and director with the Max Planck Institute’s department of human perception, in a statement.

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台灣新創團隊 GaussToys 樂磁玩趣

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WalkCar 全球最小的電動滑板

1) Light Weight : – The walk car comes in two different variations one for the indoor and as for outdoor as well. This device is made from aluminum which ensures the light weight which weigh between 2 to 3kg (4.4 to 6.6 pounds).

2) Durability : – The device can take load upto 120 KG how cool is that you can every carry a bag with you. The light weight aluminum board is stronger than it looks.

3) Speed : – It can reach up to 10 KM per hour which is better than a walking speed and 12 KM per hour after the charging of 3 hours.

4) No parking Space :- Well if it can fit in your bag pack why need space to park it. Even the weight and the dimensions of the device is similar to a laptop which is an advantage in this gadget.

Satio said ; “Maybe I just see it that way, but it seems to me that the U.S. is always the one which invents new products and Japan is the one which takes those products and improves on them to make a better version of it. But here in this case, the WalkCar is a totally new product I have started from scratch. So I also I want to show the world that Japan can also be innovative”

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ATLAS robot

Atlas is a high mobility, humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor, rough terrain. Atlas can walk bipedally leaving the upper limbs free to lift, carry, and manipulate the environment. In extremely challenging terrain, Atlas is strong and coordinated enough to climb using hands and feet, to pick its way through congested spaces.

Articulated, sensate hands will enable Atlas to use tools designed for human use. Atlas includes 28 hydraulically-actuated degrees of freedom, two hands, arms, legs, feet and a torso.

An articulated sensor head includes stereo cameras and a laser range finder. Atlas is powered from an off-board, electric power supply via a flexible tether.

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這台名為Pocket NC的迷你CNC加工機,在收合狀態的尺寸為330.2公釐 x 214.3公釐 x 228.6公釐,在運作時完全展開的情況下,尺寸則為444.5公釐 x 317.5公釐 x 279.4公釐,比起真正加工機輕巧許多。

它具有5軸運作功能,一般傳統加工機大多只有3軸運作功能,加工物件能夠前後左右移動(沿X軸與Y軸移動),而刀具可以上下移動(沿Z軸移動),而 Pocket NC的加工物件還能水平與俯仰轉動(沿X軸與Y軸轉動)。這樣的好處是當使用者需要在物件的不同面向進行加工時,只要透過指另控制物件旋轉即可,不必像傳 統加工機需將物件拆下,手動旋轉後再裝回。

Pocket NC可以透過Autodesk Fusion 360軟體進行控制,這透軟體具有CAD與CAM功能,並具有5軸控制功能,能夠發揮Pocket NC的最大效益。使用者可以用它來加工硬度低於鋁的物件,比較常見的蠟、木材、塑膠都沒有問題。

Pocket NC於集資網站進行募款,包含1年Autodesk Fusion 360商業版授權的價格為美金3,500元(約合新台幣108,500元),預定於2016年3月交貨,雖然價格並不便宜,不過對於想要嘗試與3D列印不 同加工方式的創客來說,還是會讓硬派玩家有想要嘗試看看的衝動。

▲Pocket NC的體積比真正加工機的尺寸小很多。

▲比較可惜的是Pocket NC的加工區為開放式設計,物件的碎屑會散落在外。

▲Pocket NC具有5軸運作功能,能夠旋轉加工物件的角度。

▲使用者可以透過Pocket NC來加工鋁、蠟、木材、塑膠等物件。


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Mando Footloose 無鏈電動腳踏車

韓國 Mando Corp 公司與英國設計師 Mark Sanders、荷蘭電動腳踏車專家、以及 Meister Inc 共同合作,推出顛覆你對傳統腳踏車的印象,拿掉中間的鏈條,換成發電機,每踩一下踏板就會轉換電能,就輕鬆帶著你往前跑的「Mando Footloose 無鏈電動腳踏車」。
Mando Footloose 搭載了一雙替發電機充電的無鏈式腳踏板,腳踩所產生的電力將儲存於鋰離子電池內,並有最高 30 公里的續航能力,Mando Footloose 的 ECU 電子控制系統能透過感應器自動辨識路況並切換變速器檔位,我們可透過握把上的 Human Machine Interface (HMI)螢幕顯示讀取騎乘距離、車速、以及剩餘電力等資訊。Mando Footloose 約 21 公斤並具折疊功能,方便騎士搬運與停放,目前這款腳踏車售價為 2000 英鎊(約新台幣 100000 元),雖然我們還是得用腳踩而且又貴鬆鬆,但這種就感覺好像在腳踏車上裝噴射引擎一樣,既酷炫環保又不用擔心煩人的烙鏈問題!

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Swinging Blind Juggler

The Swinging Blind Juggler achieves stable juggling without any sensors to detect the ball. The same paddle shape and motion that stabilize the ball on the Blind Juggler also keep the ball from falling off the Swinging Blind Juggler. While the ball motion is stable without sensing, we need feedback to control the pendulum motion. Blind juggling is only possible if the pendulum remains synchronized to the ball motion. We developed a feedback strategy that uses special paddle motions to control the pendulum motion. The physics that make this possible are similar to what children intuitively use to control their amplitude on a swing.

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Roombas 清潔機器人

Robot cleaner tidies up office buildings

ROOMBAS were just the start. An office cleaning robot is being put through its paces by Dussmann, one of Germany’s largest cleaning companies, at its Berlin HQ. The goal is getting it to work alongside human cleaners in large offices, emptying bins and vacuuming floors.
It is designed to do two tasks – clean the floors and empty wastepaper baskets – with complete autonomy. It can recognise dirt on the floor and identify wastepaper baskets before its robotic arm grabs and then empties each bin.
Only big offices are suitable for this kind of robot; humans would have to move it between small offices, which negates the benefits. Other cleaning robots do exist, but they can’t navigate a building autonomously and have one function.

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