
本篇主題:pull in/out torque
while describing the PWM driving of stepper motor, it always mentions about pull in/out torque. what's the definition and difference of these two torque definition? and the relation between these torque and speed. thanks a lot!

本話題由 石磊 於2004-10-27 00:00:00 發表 
目前共有3人回覆,最後回覆時間: 2005-01-24 13:48:00

 pull in/out torque  陳正虎  2004-10-28 13:50:39
Pls. refert to the following textbook, Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Control, 2nd Edit. By Takashi Kenjo and Akira Sugawara Oxford Science Publications


 pull in/out torque  吳添保  2004-10-28 16:10:08
PULL-IN TORQUE The maximum constant torque, which a synchronous motor will accelerate into synchronism at, rated voltage and frequency. PULL-UP TORQUE The minimum torque developed by an AC motor during the period of acceleration from zero to the speed


 pull in/out torque  石磊  2004-10-29 10:27:10
Thanks William and Paul. I got that book.

