
本篇主題:何謂 service factor??
在siemens 的AC 馬達規格表上有看到service factor=90% 這是代表啥意思?跟功率有關嗎??

本話題由 鍾逸峰 於2009-07-03 00:00:00 發表 
目前共有3人回覆,最後回覆時間: 2009-07-23 21:53:50

 何謂 service factor??  吳添保  2009-07-03 17:10:25
請參考以下網站及SF摘錄:{http://www.kalenelectric.com/AnatomyPage.html} (1)When used on a motor nameplate, a number which indicates how much above the nameplate rating a motor can be loaded without causing serious degradation (i.e., a 1.15 SF can produce 15% greater torque than the 1.0 SF rating of the same motor). (2)When used in applying motors or gearmotors, a figure of merit, which is used to “adjust”, measured loads in an attempt to compensate for conditions, which are difficult to measure or define. Typically, measured loads are multiplied by service factors (experience factors) and the result in an “equivalent required torque” rating of a motor or gearmotor.


 何謂 service factor??  李建宏  2009-07-10 23:15:18
可能是指負載週期,S=1 可100%負載連續運轉,S=0.9 可90%連續運轉,短暫100%


 何謂 service factor??  郭俊麟  2009-07-23 21:53:50
在馬達因無電力而有轉動的時候,靠著DBU能讓馬達慢下來(減速), 請問是如何辦到的?

