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Research of Axial-radial Flux Permanent Magnet Integrated Starter/Generator Based on Dual Air-Gap Design
作者 Meng-Ke Tsai, Po-Wei Huang, and Mi-Ching Tsai
摘要 For hybrid electric vehicles, the integrated starter generator (ISG) is one of the key parts. However, with the difference in power range between the two operation modes of the starter and generator, it is difficult for the generator to exhibit excellent behaviors in both modes. To solve this problem, a dual air-gap permanent magnet ISG is proposed. In this paper, an axial-radial flux ISG which consists of one axial-flux and one radial-flux PMSM is investigated. Additionally, a 3-D finite element analysis (FEA) of the ISG is built to simulate and verify torque characteristics and output power capability.