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Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Magnetic Gear With Dual-Mechanical Port Using Block Diagrams
作者 Chun-Lin Chen and Mi-Ching Tsai
摘要 Magnetic gears with dual-mechanical port have several attractive features, such as reduced maintenance requirements and inherent overload protection, as compared with mechanical gears. However, it is difficult to obtain an intuitive analytical model because of its complicated magnetic flux interaction, and the dual-port transmission of this magnetic gear is rarely discussed. These difficulties actually limit the practical applications and increase the control difficulty. Therefore, this paper develops a modeling approach based on the block diagram. Both of the kinematic and dynamic characteristics for a dual-port transmission can be obtained in one unified description. This control-based approach also provides more flexibility and convenience, facilitating further control applications. The feasibility will be verified by finite element analysis simulation and experimental results.
關鍵字 Block diagram description, dual-mechanical port, kinematic and dynamic characteristics.