EMTRC has been fortunate to receive generous funding from individuals, corporations and organizations over the past 10 years. Your support is valuable to us and will help EMTRC in its efforts to fulfill its mission of connecting industries in Taiwan and worldwide.
How to Donate
- Fill out the NCKU Donation Acceptance Form, and mail it to the following address:
Prof. Mi-Ching Tsai
Electric Motor Technology Research Center
National Cheng Kung University (Tzu-Chiang Campus)
2F, Science & Technology Building
No.1, University Road
Tainan 70101
- Donors will receive a receipt and a “Thank You Letter” from NCKU.
- We recognize donors who have contributed to EMTRC by listing their name(s) on the Honor Roll. You may visit the Giving to NCKU website (http://donate.ncku.edu.tw/) for further details.
For further information, please contact us at +886-6-2356783 or
NCKU Donation Acceptance Form